Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sociology Investigation free essay sample

With the use of covert participant observation and study of secondary data, I will be analyzing and investigation the question â€Å"Why do girls do better at school than boys? † I will come to a conclusion on whether this question is correct and if it is true or not, then explaining the reasons why they do better or why they do not. Hypothesis – We believe that girls do better in school and this is because most girls can multi task and think about their future much more than boys who are trying to â€Å"live in the moment†. Boys are also socialized into being violent and being slightly rebellious so will not concentrate enough in lessons. Girls are however socialized to be respectable and get a good job to help the family and also to be sensible so they can raise children. Finally I feel girls generally can be distracted one day for many reasons but keep quiet and everyone knows not to annoy them, but on the other hand boys if they get distracted tend to disturb everyone around them. We will write a custom essay sample on Sociology Investigation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Why do girls do better than Investigation Discussion of Secondary Data – In some research it highlights how boys by the age of eight are meant to have adopted these boys by the age of eight are meant to have adopted these perceptions and that from that age the perceptions and that from that age the gap between intelligence is visible. They saw that boys could become products of self-fulfilling prophecy. The research also shows that boys lag behind girls in nearly all subjects at A-level and GCSE. Girls from reception to year 5 said that girls were cleverer, performed better and more focused and respectful. Boys in reception, yr1 and yr2 had an equal split between boys and girls and in yr3 they all said girls were better showing as they get older the gap is bigger and more visible to see. Adults that also believe girls do better the research showed. In a separate investigation two groups we held both full of boys, the first was told that girls performed better than girls and the second were not. The first group performed significantly worse than the second. This could show how their poor performance could be because of low expectations of teachers. Stats – 25. 5% of entries by girls were A/A* compared with 19. 5% for boys. The gap narrows at A-level, with 27. 6% of entries which are girls were awarded A/A* compared with 26. 1%. Method – I am going to use covert participant observation to investigate my hypothesis. This will involve watching a lesson and recording notes on how behavior and attention differ between boys and girls. I will make sure that no one knows I’m doing this so they don’t change their behavior to make them look better or alter what they would do because they know they are being watched. It important to control these to make accurate results are noted down. I will then record my results in a need and structure paragraph using qualitative analysis. I am also going to do a survey asking an equal amount of boys and girls from a range of years asking if they think boys or girls do better in school. This will be good to do as a comparison could be made between my results and secondary data. The pros of this method are that we can easily compare secondary data and also with the survey being quantitative we can make a graph and with the qualitative data we can make a clear and detailed conclusion. The cons are when asking the survey it may be hard to get real opinions as boys may say boys do better in school because of their â€Å"honor† but really they believe girls do better. Ethical issues – Some issues I might face with this investigation is the use of covert participant observation because some people may feel they are being involved with something they don’t want to be involved with and that we are going behind their back as we have not asked them to be involved. They may not feel comfortable with being involved and we have to think about and respect that. Finally if we are watching teacher they may not feel that it appropriate for us to watch them and make notes as they are our elders and they may believe we are judging them. Pilot Study – I made my first pilot study in the first lesson of planning. Something I noticed were that the group behind us of all girls was planning and mind mapping ideas about how they could go about their investigation and started writing the norms. However the group of boys at the back we getting distracted said they would do it after the holiday and were clearly bored so tried to practice the covert participant observation method but were laughing and not doing it properly by as they were laughing and we knew they were watching us In turn automatically changing our behavior towards them. Evaluation of pilot study – From the pilot study we see that our hypothesis was correct and girls are more focused which maybe a reason why they have been shown to do better in school than boys. The study also highlighted how if you are caught using covert participant observation then people will change their behavior distracting them as well from their work also confirming my ideas about how boys distract everyone around them when they are bored. Presentation of results – Notes: * Girls seemed to settle in a lot quicker than boys. * More boys got more penalties than girls * Boys asking for pens and equipment Couples of boys and girls work better than two boys sitting together * Boys seen to distract a lot of people around then and the whole class are disturbed and the teacher had to stop * Boys are always the once making funny comments and trying to be the jokers * Some boys got a bad result in the end of term test they seem to just be fine with it and even use it as something to laugh about, also some girls do that and on one hand they may have struggled and then they get help but on the other they do sometimes use it as an excuse maybe just because they didn’t revise or concentrate in lessons Conclusion and discussion of results – My results strongly collaborate my hypothesis as they indicate that boys’ behavior is a lot worse than those of girls and this I feel is directly related to the lower grades on average that girls get. My results also show how boys have been socialized into being the class clowns and that to be popular they have to make rude or annoying comments that people laugh at. This highlights the idea about some boys just thinking about the current time and not there future, whereas on the other hand girls are thinking about their future. On the whole my results did collaborate with my hypothesis and from the results I got I feel girls are more focused and doing this investigation opened my eyes up to this fact and how boys do seem to be a lot less bothered and this in turn affects their school in terms of grades and results they receive at the end of their schooling lives. Evaluation of method – I used covert participant observation to gather qualitative information, this gave me detailed results that a structured conclusion would be made from. There were no problems with the use of the covert participant observation method and at the end I also spoke to some people and told them they had been filmed, they seemed fine about it but I was weary that some people may have not liked being watched and that is understandable so I was careful. The use of the survey allowed me to compare data that was gathered in research and the results we found out. Although next time I feel I could have asked a wider range of people and also a wider range of ages because students can often lie to make their sex or the opposite sex seem better and have biases because of one reason or another.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Writing and Researching Skills

Writing and Researching Skills Introduction Every learning institution encourages novelty, clarity and objectivity in academic research. This is usually done to provide students with research writing skills that are necessary for successful completion of their studies. Students are therefore required to undertake self assessments, which introduce them to numerous factors that can promote strong and well structured writings.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Writing and Researching Skills specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Such activities are vital in helping students refine their arguments and writing at large. In addition, it helps establish logical writing in students. However, it faces several obstacles. These include among others, academic plagiarism. This has made research quite difficult as scholars try to avoid plagiarizing other people’s works. Plagiarism cases have risen, especially with increased availability of resources online. In f act, while advancement in technology has pooled resources, it has also led to increased cases of plagiarism. This paper will therefore try to explore academic writing styles, plagiarism, strengths and weaknesses as well as growth plan (Colantuono, 2009, p. 1). Plagiarism can be defined as use of other people’s ideas, or works as your own. This occurs in any event that an individual uses another person’s idea or written work without giving him/her credit. Most written works in learning institutions are nowadays turned in after passing through plagiarism detecting software. These are aimed at curbing plagiarism, which has been on the rise. Online degrees have had its advantages, which include among others, providing affordable quality education to learners from different regions. On the other hand, this has had its effects on creativity as plagiarism takes toil. It is quite important to note that plagiarism is a punishable offense both by law and learning institutions. I n learning institutions, plagiarism draws punishments that may range from penalties, suspension, expulsion and even sacking for scholars. Moreover, it can lead to jail term, if not avoided. Academic writing involves use of different formatting and citation styles. These include MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago, Turabian and Oxford, among others. These styles are usually utilized depending on the type of paper to be written. For instance, when writing papers on psychology, APA (American Psychological Association) style is usually utilized. Most of these citation styles are usually aimed at avoiding plagiarism as well as structuring academic papers in a formal and cohesive manner (McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2003, p. 1).Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Analysis of Strengths Some of the strengths I have in academic writing include creativity, which helps to minimize plagiarism. In addition, in situations where I use other people’s works, I usually ensure that they are credited. This helps in avoiding plagiarism. Another strength that I have in writing is my ability to master citation styles. This helps me in formatting academic writing as required. Academic writing requires people to be relevant as well as clear on given instructions. As much as this is sometimes difficult, I have tried to be relevant in most papers. This helps in ensuring that instructions are followed as given in the papers (Colantuono, 2009, p. 1). Analysis of Weaknesses Academic research comes with various obstacles. This includes fear of plagiarism, grammar mistakes, among others. I usually face a few problems in putting my essay together. Other obstacles that I face include level of writing. As much as I do formal writing, there are levels of writing required for each category. These include bachelors, masters and PhD levels. Moreover, depending on subject to be covered, writing can sometimes get complex. For instance, technical papers are usually more complex than others. In addition, Phd papers are commonly more detailed and complex than those of masters or bachelors. Finally, I am sometimes nervous on spelling and grammar mistakes (Dikel, 2011, p. 1). Growth Plan Academic writing is very important in learning institutions. This is mainly because it gives the true picture of an individual’s creativity and writing skills, among other attributes. Moreover, it confirms that one is able to conduct research and provide quality writings on them. Having considered both my strengths and weaknesses, it is only reasonable that I work towards improving them. In this regard, I have made a plan that includes improving in spelling and grammar, among others. Moreover, I plan to ensure that plagiarism becomes the least of my problems. In order to achieve this, I plan to institute regular self assessment tests with regards to citation styles. This involves going th rough research centers such as Purdue Owl and Ashford, among others. I also plan to practice more on academic writing, this will enable me improve in levels of writing as well as in formatting and style as required (Colantuono, 2009, p. 1).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Writing and Researching Skills specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion Academic writing is instrumental to an individual’s capacity development. Institutions of higher learning ensure that students are well trained on ways of articulating their ideas. This can only be done through academic writing. Self assessment is also important as it helps one to establish the causes and possible solutions to his/her problems in writing. It is quite imperative to know how to write varieties of academic papers. Throughout the process, I have learned on ways of writing different types of papers, styles as well as plagiarism. The process also helped me learn how to acknowledge sources that are used. In addition, the process has enabled me use credible sources in my research. I have also learned the importance of writing good papers since instructors use them to evaluate our level of comprehension and analysis (Ashford Writing Center, 2011, p. 1). References Ashford Writing Center. (2011).Research Guides. Retrieved from: Colantuono, F. (2009). Academic Plagiarism. Retrieved from: Dikel, M. (2011). Self- Assessment: The Riley Guide. Retrieved from: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. (2003). Avoiding Plagiarism Tutorial. Retrieved from: ertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Protestant Reformation -- Religious Studies 3593 Moral Development Term Paper

The Protestant Reformation -- Religious Studies 3593 Moral Development - Term Paper Example And with much money and more power, the people within the church became corrupt. The people within the church were fighting. Those in power were craving for more power, and tried to implement doctrines that were becoming an â€Å"eye sore†. Everybody was questioning the teachings and doctrines of the Church. Church doctrines were taught and literally interpreted from the Bible. The people then thought of and asked for reforms. They realized that their religion was not teaching them good morals because those running their religion were corrupt and immoral. The changes or reforms asked for were complaints against the clergy, the sacraments, the many confessions, and many other complaints, called for by Martin Luther, John Calvin and others. This paper will talk on the Protestant Reformation, but authors of medieval times and of the reformation talk of several reformations. We can’t help here but talk of the Protestant Reformation in referring the colored past of the Catholic church, the Protestant Church, and others like the Calvinist concept of reformation. Also, as a result of the Protestant Reformation, several reformations or movement within the Catholic Church had emerged. They were championed by then so-called reformers within the church, like Guillaume Briconnet, bishop of Meaux in the 1520s, and Jean du Bellay, bishop of Paris from 1532, â€Å"who wanted to introduce new ideas but were prepared to do so from within the structures of the Catholic church† (Gray 5). The Reformation was a movement and a phenomenon in the sixteenth century which affected largely the political, economic, social, and religious lives of the people. It asked for changes and better religious world and beliefs. The reformers were led by Martin Luther, and then came others like Zwingli, Calvin, Knox, Cranmer, and the rest. They were later followed by the Puritans and the different Anabaptist movements (which were far more radical in their approach). These

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Applying a reading as a lens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Applying a reading as a lens - Essay Example Forty years on in today’s world, men can be viewed through the same lens once considered only for women; today’s ‘ideal’ spectator may be female, looking at the nudity or semi-nudity of a man. The term nudity rather than nakedness is intentionally used here in light of Berger’s reference to the dichotomy between nakedness and nudity (), wherein if a person is naked they maintain self but to be nude that person becomes an object on display for the satisfaction of others. The depiction of the male in (Fig.1) is nude not naked and is an object for the desire of women and men. I say men, because such an image would also appeal to men whose sexual preference is for other men; I say men because the same image would appeal to hegemonic men who desire the same muscled physique as that paraded in the photograph. The author of this advertisement has considered his audience, his spectators, through a very wide lens and has been able to present an image that is exhibited in such a way as to allure the largest possible number of voyeurs. He has turned a man rather than a women ‘into and object – and most particularly an object of vision: a sight’ (Berger ). His visual representation provides evidence of his way of seeing what his intended audience wants to see; in other words, in his mind, through his lens he has defined his audience. Through his lens he sees one primary audience – one that is driven by sexual desires, which by definition transgresses all boundaries of gender. While the creator of this image has determined an image of his audience, the viewer can at the same time determine a picture of the creator. As a viewer looking at this photographic advertisement, I see it as having been created by somebody that understands how human nature is driven by sexuality and that in today’s world of equality and desire for perfection, such sexuality can be enticed by a male body. If the same advertisement pre sented a female body the creator would more likely lose a percentage of his spectators – homosexual males. I see a creator who is astute in selection of person for the image because it is that of the famous footballer and metrosexual David Beckham, which provides additional fodder for enticement. Fig.1 Calvin Klein What is particularly worthy of mention in this advertisement is the way in which the eyes of the image are looking directly at his spectators, as if to talk without speaking, knowing they are there looking at him in the same way that for Berger men look at women. In paintings discussed by Berger too the women rarely looked out to their audience but instead looked away or down (). Another difference between this photograph and the portrayal of women in European nude paintings is that women were exposed as submissive (Berger )wherein here the connotations are far from submissive; instead we get a sense of brazen assertiveness, a kind of ‘come and get me if you dare’ impression. There seems to be a fine line between this advertisement in fact, and soft pornography and the creator is inviting his spectators to a voyeuristic screening. While the body is displayed for its audience and to appeal to the sexuality of that audience, it still has much to do with the man’s own sexuality, unlike the same picture of a female displayed in the same way. There is no attempt to provide the spectator with a sense of ownership (as was the intent of female nudes) by minimizing the man’

Monday, November 18, 2019

Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Decision Making - Essay Example When a group experiences the threat of groupthink, as Freeman (1999, p. 249) opines, it would consider few alternatives in its decision making processes. Moreover, it heeds little attention to distinctive ideas and experts’ advice. At this juncture, the role of a project manager is crucial in leading the group to yield the best outcome. This paper will discuss the major impacts of groupthink on decision making and five major tactics that a project manager can put forth to evade this threat. Illusion of invulnerability As mentioned in the introduction, groups that experience groupthink presumably seek little advice from external sources or experts. It normally happens due to their illusion of infallibility or stereotypical nature. In order to avoid these threats, it is advisable to ‘invite different perspectives’ into the decision making process (Thompson, 2006, 177). The author also points out that the absence of different perspective has been the major causes of several corporate or governmental failures in the history (Thompson). Getting intimidated The bigger the team the higher is the chance to be vulnerable to groupthink. Therefore, the project manager should frequently monitor the size of the team so that it would ensure the spontaneous participation of all members. In addition, in order to get rid of members’ fear, the ‘risk technique’ could be implemented. ... Pressure of uniformity This is another identified symptom of groupthink. In a group that gives higher importance to uniformity, diversity of opinion is less expected. Subsequently members tend to suppress their personal perspectives with intent to preserve group cohesion. It will deteriorate the quality of decision as the group is less likely to consider various dimensions of the issue addressed. A leader who would stand impartial might be apt to this situation. In addition, the decision can be delayed by keeping the meeting for another occasion. As per this tactic, â€Å"teams may be given guidelines that emphasize continued solicitations of solutions, protection of individuals from criticism, keeping the discussion problem centered, and listing all solutions before evaluating them† (Maier, 1952 cited in Thompson, 2006, p. 176-77). Over dependence on leader Members of a group sometimes tend to rely on the abilities of its leader. This over dependence later gives way to their frustration as the leader would not meet the expected levels of performance in the overall task. This is also one of the negative outcomes of groupthink which can be avoided only by promoting the full-fledged efforts of every member. In order to ensure active participation, manager should confirm the size and structure of the group while assigning tasks. Once the group is identified for its passive response the assigned task, it can be asked for finding â€Å"a second solution or decision recommendation as an alternative to their first choices† (Thompson, 2006, p. 179). The process can be intensified further by using time pressure on members to reach decision by solving the problems assigned to each member. This tactic

Friday, November 15, 2019

Human Resource Management Chinese Restaurant

Human Resource Management Chinese Restaurant The people aspects comprise an integral element when setting up a new business. The component relate to the decisions and considerations on what kind of a workforce would be appropriate for a particular kind of business, where it should be sought from and how it should be hired. Cognisant of the centrality of staff to the success of a business therefore, it would be important for Vivienne and her brothers who intend to set up a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle to cautiously approach the people aspects of their business otherwise they would be risking failure of the restaurant. Based on the key facts presented in the scenario, this paper seeks to explore the steps that Vivienne and her partners ought to follow in recruiting staff for the restaurant, where they should attract the desired employees from, how they should design the jobs at the restaurant and the legal considerations they should take into account. Key facts in the scenario The trio, Vivienne, Walter and Stephen have agreed on the type of restaurant they intend to set up; in essence, a Chinese restaurant with excellent seafood as its specialty and that incorporates Hong Kong style dumplings and yum cha. Another key issue is that the trio want the restaurant to be renowned for professional service; a milestone which they seek to achieve by attracting and recruiting members of staff who are efficient, knowledgeable and friendly. The trio is also interested in staff members who will be a little bit hip so as to draw youthful patrons and also attract families. It is also discernible that the trio intends to create a restaurant that will offer great value for money to the targeted clientele by the virtue of providing great service and great food. Another fact is that the business would need decor preferably Chinese for it to effectively bring out the desired Chinese restaurant image. This would however not be complete without being complemented by hiring of a vibrant team of young and female Chinese wait staff. Another relevant piece of information is Viviennes pertinent educational background in hospitality and human resource management as well as her brothers knowhow in accounting and law, knowledge that will be handy in not only addressing the people aspects of the investment but also the related legal and financial issues. Viviennes interest in cooking and diverse knowledge in recipes and food will also be useful in helping identify and recruit the most suitable and qualified chef for the restaurant. Steps that Vivienne and her brothers should take to successfully fill the jobs in their new restaurant The first step that they should take is competency profiling. The step would entail an analysis and determination of specific competencies including knowledge, attitudes, behaviours and skills that the staff for their new restaurant should possess for them to be effective in service delivery (Morrissey, Compton, Nankervis, 2014). These may include openness to customer input or suggestions, training in food safety, friendly and patient, excellent people skills, functional familiarity with ordering information systems and the cash register, excellent planning and customer-oriented skills, good interpersonal skills with both customers and colleagues, proven hands-on experience, hands-on problem solving skills, youthful and in excellent physical condition. Having identified the requisite competencies, the next step should be attraction of the desired employees based on the identified competencies. The recruitment process should take the form of job adverts encouraging individuals of Chinese descent who possess the requisite qualifications to apply for employment in large numbers at the restaurant. The next step should entail initial screening of the applications received and final selection of the most qualified persons for the wait staff, server and chef positions. It is however imperative that the recruitment, screening and selection processes are undertaken systematically and relevant aptitude, attainment and ability tests applied to eliminate bias and ensure only candidates who are suitable are hired to fill the available positions (Nankervis, Baird, Shields, Coffey, 2017). It is also crucial that the final selection process if varied based on the specific position being filled to ensure the pertinent requirements particular to th e job are thoroughly addressed (Nankervis et al, 2017). Where the employees should be sourced from The employees for the new Chinese restaurant should be sourced from China Town. By targeting this locality, the trio would be able to attract the most appropriate passionate young and female Chinese staff for the job. Their parents expansive network in the expansive Chinese hospitality community in Sydney would also be integral in helping tap into the rich human resource at the disposal of the community. The trio should also seek to attract and recruit from the Chinese community living in and around the Newcastle neighbourhood. This would be important in that it would help give the restaurant a more local feel to the target clientele living in the region thus lessening the likelihood of the establishment being viewed as foreign and out of touch with the tastes and preference of both the overseas students and the Chinese people living in the town. By targeting these localities as the source of employees, the new restaurant will be assured of staffs that are familiar with the intricacies of the local Chinese hospitality industry. This will enable the restaurant to run its operation in manner that enables it to compete effectively with other rival establishments. The course will also ensure recruitment of individuals who are familiar with the various menu options of Chinese restaurants thus guaranteeing the ability of the staff to present an array of menu alternatives the customers. Recruiting from the Australian Chinese community will also have the unique advantage of providing access to employees who are conversant with both the English and Chinese dialects which will augment the ability of the staff to establish relationships with customers, take orders, advice on best drink and food options as well as respond to and effectively address customer queries. Legal concerns worth considering When recruiting employees for the new Chinese restaurant the most outstanding legal issue that should be put into consideration relates to discrimination (Morrissey, Compton, Nankervis, 2014). The fact that the trio prefers Chinese waiters and mostly female and young could comprise a basis for discriminatory recruitment practices claims by those who may feel segregated by the specifications. In this respect, should the trio put out an advertisement for the positions specifying being Chinese or having Chinese roots as a condition of employment at the restaurant, they would risk being accused of unlawfully discriminating against persons based on their ethnicity. As a secular establishment, the new Chinese restaurant would have no legal rights to segregate against people on any basis and could thus the losing party should such proceedings be brought against it by an aggrieved entity. To address the legal concern, the trio should strive to put out job advertisements that would communicate to the intended audience the preference for Chinese candidates in a manner that is lawful. In this regard, the trio should desist from directly rejecting applications from individuals of other ethnicities and races by incorporating in the advertisement the requirement that the applicants should be knowledgeable in Chinese menu options, mannerisms and food culture. Application of the preference in this manner would help make the job advertisement non-discriminatory and thus eliminate the legal risk of the business being perceived as engaging in discriminatory recruitment practices (Morrissey, Compton, Nankervis, 2014). Ways in which the jobs should be designed to make them as interesting and challenging as possible To begin with, the trio of Vivienne and her two brothers should seek to achieve a tight fit between people aspects and business strategy (Compton Morrissey, 2001). This can be achieved through linking of the recruited employees and their roles with the strategic needs of the restaurant to ensure efforts by the staff contribute directly to the growth of the business. However, the approach could prove indifferent to the interests of the staff and hence care should be taken to dampen down the negative undesired effects (Budhwar Aryee, n.d.). Remedial measures including efforts to enhance the businesss skills inventory and encourage innovativeness with a view to improve the overall competitiveness of the restaurant business should be adopted (Snell, Shadur, Wright, 2000). The measures would be critical in averting situations where the business may become misfitted to the extremely dynamic business environment of today by ensuring its flexibility and ability to adapt to the necessary c hanges in the industry. In addition, the trio should provide opportunities for growth for their employees. This could be achieved by encouraging them to be proactive in problem solving vis-a-vis the day to day challenges that characterise the restaurant business. This would see the employees become more involved in efforts to enhance and nurture the reputation of the business as well as reorient their focus towards ensuring customer satisfaction. In effect, this would help make the jobs of the employees both interesting and challenging thus impacting positively on their motivation and overall job satisfaction as well as averting employee turnover (Nankervis, Baird, Shields, Coffey, 2017). References list Budhwar, P., Aryee, S. (n.d.). Chapter 1: An Introduction to Strategic Human Resource Management. Retrieved from Compton, R. L., Morrissey, B. (2001). Strategic Human Resource Management Beyond the rhetoric. Keeping Good Companies, 176-178. Morrissey, B., Compton, R. L., Nankervis, A. R. (2014). Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices (6th ed.). Sydney: Oxford University Press. Nankervis, A., Baird, M., Shields, J., Coffey, J. (2017). Human Resource Management: Strategy and Practice (9th ed.). South Melbourne: Cengage Learning. Snell, S. A., Shadur, M. A., Wright, P. M. (2000). Human Resources Strategy: The Era of Our Ways (CAHRS Working Paper #00-17). Ithaca, NY: CAHRS/Cornell University.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Cuban Missile Crisis :: American America History

The Cuban Missile Crisis The world was at the edge of a third world war. This was the result of a variety of things: the Cuban Revolution, the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion, US anti-communism, insecurity of the Soviet Union, and Cuba's fear of invasion all made causes for war. However, war was not the result due to great cooperation from both President Kennedy and President Khrushchev and each of the decisions made by the leaders was crucial in the outcome of The Crisis. Kennedy's choice to take action by means of quarantine instead of air-strike and Khrushchev's decision to abide by the quarantines were perhaps the two most significant decisions made by the leaders in order to prevent war. The Cuban Missile Crisis showed the world that compromising and discussion can in-fact prevent war. As Khrushchev said in 1962, "They talk about who won and who lost. Human reason won. Mankind won." 1 The world had almost seen another world war, the effects of which would have been devastating because of the weapons involved. Humanity, indeed, was the prevention of the war. The Cuban Revolution was a background cause to the crisis. On January 1st, 1959 a Marxist regime in Cuba would have seemed unlikely. To the communist party in Cuba, Fidel Castro appeared tempestuous, irresponsible and stubbornly bourgeois. In 1943 President Batista appointed a communist to his Cabinet, as he used communists as leaders of the labor unions. Batista started to fail the Cuban communists and their loyalties transferred gradually to Castro, completely by 1958. On December 1st, 1961 Castro declared himself a Marxist and claimed he had always been a revolutionary, studying Das Kapital of Karl Marx. Most Cubans idolized Castro, supported his government and at least accepted his measures.2 He claimed to have a desire to help the poor and said he would have found it impossible to follow the dictates of a single philosophy. His first action in power was to reduce all rents on the island, making the land owners, many of who were American, unhappy. In 1960 Castro was swiftly pushi ng Cuba to the left, and as a result many Cubans left, along with the American investors. There was so much opposition to Castro's developments that he created a Committee for Defense of the Revolution out of fear of invasion from the US, internal guerrilla uprisings, and black marketing "counterrevolutionary activity".

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Cell Phone Should Never Be Used While Driving Essay

Cell phones should never be used while driving no matter what the circumstances are. There are many reasons why it should be banned. It causes the driver to think about something other than driving. It causes the driver to have to look away from the road to dial, answer, etc. It doesn’t allow the driver to hear what’s going on around him or her such as ambulances or police sirens. These reasons are a major contributor to death. Using cell phones while driving can cause the driver to think about something other than driving. When the driver gets a call or a text message, it can distract him or her by not paying attention to the road. This is a major cause for many accidents that can lead to injuries or even death. When you use your phone when driving, you are putting your life at risk by answering it and getting distracted. When using your cell phone while driving it can cause the driver to look away from the road to dial, answer, etc. Say you look down at your phone and you take your eyes off the road for just a couple seconds. For those two seconds while not looking at the road, you could run into the vehicle in front of you or swerve into other lanes. This can happen just because of getting distracted for a couple of seconds. Lastly, you should not use your cell phone while driving because it doesn’t allow the driver to hear what is going on around him or her such as ambulances or police sirens. If you answer your phone everything around you is being blocked except for the conversation with the person you are talking to. Say an ambulance is rushing a dying person to the hospital and you are on the phone or texting. You don’t pay attention to the sirens or the people in front of you pulling over to the side of the road. If a cop sees that you don’t pull over then this will result in a ticket. It can also be embarrassing for yourself because the ambulance will have to wait behind you causing the person who is dying a lesser chance at life. So you can be the reason why that person in the ambulance can die. In conclusion, you shall never use your cell phone while driving because it causes the driver to think about something other than driving. It causes the driver to have to look away from the road to dial, answer, etc. And it doesn’t allow the driver to hear what’s going on around him or her such as ambulances or police sirens. Every time you are behind the wheel, your primary focus should be on driving to your destination safely without any distractions. This is why you should never use your cell phone while driving.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Pop goes the piston essays

Pop goes the piston essays The Basics of an Internal Combustion Engine Everyday millions of people across the world depend on their automobiles. Their daily routine of driving never changes. They get in their car and turn the ignition on. After putting the car in gear, they press on the gas pedal and drive. Most of these people have no idea how their car engine works. They just supply it with gas and expect it to run. Under the hood of a car, there is a whole other world. According to author Lauren S. Bahr of the Collier Encyclopedia, an engine is a machine that converts heat energy into mechanical energy. Bahr says this conversion is caused by a process called internal combustion. Internal combustion is the heart of an engine, but isn't the only thing that goes on. During an engine cycle the valve train moves oxygen through each cylinder, while the cars ECU, engine control unit, supplies gas at precisely the right time. An internal combustion engine is a very complex power source, which drives peoples cars everyday. According to Marshall Brain of, a man by the name of Nikolaus Otto invented the four- stroke combustion cycle, or the otto cycle, in 1867. Brain explained that Otto's basic idea was similar to a potato gun. A piece of pipe works as a cylinder, and a potato stuffed in one end is the piston. Add hairspray as your gas, and a match as your spark plug. The potato will launch out of the pipe, like the piston will drive the crank shaft. During the four- stroke combustion cycle a piston moves down, up, down, up in four main strokes. Each stroke is vital to the cycle. A piston starts at the top of the cylinder, and on the first stroke, or intake stroke, the piston moves down. This movement creates a vacuum and sucks oxygen into the cylinder through an opened intake valve. At the same time an injector is spraying fuel into the cylinder. During the second stroke, or compression stroke, the piston moves b...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


The U.N. IN A NEW WORLD ORDER essays The rise of military enforcement measure, from the U.N. was formulated from President Bush and Gorbachev as part of the New World Order. This was based on the rule of law and the principle of collective security. This principle was established to enable the military enforcement measure, if necessary. In the history, of the U.N. the Security Council has sanctioned two such cases, in the Persian Gulf War of 1980 and the Korean War in 1950. Security Council had been give power of author in restoring peace and harmony, acting as the parent that solves conflict within a family when a conflict arises. The only argument in this, is how effective is this role. Is military force not a violent act, and does violence it self justify peace. To attempt to answer this theory must look at foundation of the military force. The U.N. Security Council military come from member of state of the UN, that is requires states to provide solider to form an army when the need arises. The army has been used for peacekeeping, one example the article talked about is the 1956, hostilities in the Middle East. However, the article clearly states that this action was not within the fame of U.N. charter. Sutterlin goes on to say, the military it is frequently use for that same purpose. The article fails to point out that in doing so; it is a form of abuse of power that is not permitted, even if provision was later made for it. A fact to worth considering is had they not had an army to enforce would they not have sought a less violent action. By using military enforcement for peacekeeping, that is question the name of peacekeeping it self, The article goes on to state the success of the U.N. Security Council military enforcement, uses for peace keeping, sighting examples such as Nicaragua and Haiti. Along with it achievements Sutterlin, makes note of the Security Council favorable respected the limitation imposed of peacekeeping operat...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Etiology of bipolar disorder Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Etiology of bipolar disorder - Research Paper Example ological but lately intensive psychotherapy is being increasingly recognized as a better alternative, although absolute therapy is still considered to be in its experimental stages. There have numerous studies to explain the etiology of the disease which have progressed from explanations of behavioral, social and psychological factors as its causes to the imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain and genetic defects making certain individuals particularly prone to it. As bipolar psychiatric disorder is characterized by sporadic, alternating events of depression and hyper manic state, the excitatory and inhibitory neuronal transmission have been the prime targets of pharmacological interventions. Molecular and cellular targets include inhibition of enzymes such as inositol monophosphatase, inositol polyphosphate 1-phosphatase, etc. by the administration of lithium salts whereby the lithium ion competes for a magnesium binding site which is responsible for prompting the action of such enzymes (Gould et al, 2004). Similarly valproate and carbamazapine inhibit another set of enzymes, as well as molecular signaling pathways in neuronal transmission. Inhibition of these enzymes is responsible for the tentative therapeutic action. Another aspect which has been noticed in psychiatric disease is the high heritability of schizophrenia as well as bipolar disorders which points a finger at the genetic predisposition to such disorders (Owen et al, 2004). Experimental studies in molecular genetics are already underway and chromosomal abnormalities have been noticed at specific locations of the human genome obtained from sufferers of psycho somatic disease. In bipolar disease, involvement of multiple genes has been suspected for long and studies are therefore intricate in design, but feasible with the modern tools of molecular biology which have become available only recently. In a genome wide association study conducted on pooled samples obtained primarily from European

Friday, November 1, 2019

Recommendation Grading Schema (NA) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Recommendation Grading Schema (NA) - Essay Example The Johnson Law Group is undergoing growth and expansion in its size and diversification of areas of business coverage, which has introduced some confusion and disorientation of both the employees and the management, due to the sudden introduction of many changes that are not easily adaptable. This has threatened the performance of the law firm, while also creating discontent among its employees. This calls for immediate strategies that can be applied to address the situation. Therefore, this discussion seeks to recommend several strategies that can be applied to help The Johnson Law Group in its growth and change management. Communication This is a very vital strategy that should be applied by The Johnson Law Group, to address the issue of inter-departmental conflicts. Communication is fundamental for any business seeking to succeed, since it enhances the smoothness of all operations (Dervitsiotis, 109). Considering that there is a looming conflict between different departments of t he Johnson Law Group, effective communication can help to address this issue, through enabling the departments to streamline the flow of information, and thus ensure that there are no blame games between different departments. ... This serves to increase the discontent, disorientation and confusion amongst the other stakeholders, prompting them to resist the change. Creating and reinforcing the sense of ownership and responsibility The Johnson Law Group which was initially a small firm operating under family dynamics, is now transforming into a corporate entity, with the diversification of its areas of business and the expansion of the firm in terms of the number of employees. This change is certainly bound to create some problems, since accommodating the new approach to the running and management of the firm is not easy for the previous employees. This necessitates the introduction of a sense of ownership and responsibility, where the employees and the whole management team is made to uphold the introduction of change as a necessity for the well being of the organization and its overall stakeholders (Dervitsiotis, 122). This entails making the management and the employees ready to take responsibility for the introduction, management and execution of change, through placing them in charge of the whole process. Whenever the different stakeholders within an organization are involved directly in the change introduction and management process, as opposed to being required to implement the change, the stakeholders are motivated to feel as part of the change, and are committed to see it happen, since they are well integrated and informed on the benefits of the change (Parsons and Adelina, 233). Thus, incorporating all the major stakeholders in the change introduction and management will assist The Johnson Law Group to successfully implement the change. Align